Bivouac 2022
A "bivouac" is a makeshift, temporary camp in the middle of a journey. For EFCA West, The Bivouac is a three-day experience for Senior Pastors to gather to get refreshed , reenergized, and strengthened for the journey ahead.
This experience helps EFCA West strengthen church leaders
One of the key goals of the EFCA West is to strengthen leadership and a key component of that is supporting Senior Pastors from across our district have the opportunity to build supportive relationships, be encouraged, relax and have fun.

What is a bivouac?
A bivouac is a temporary camp. A group of about 10 Senior Pastors meet at Hume Lake Christian Camp. We arrive on Monday afternoon and leave Thursday morning. While there we hear each others stories, talk about leadership roles, have fun and hang out. The goal is help build relationships encourage and support each other as we do the hard work of shepherding our flocks in the EFCA West.
Who has been and what do they say?
A number of pastors and church planters from the EFCA West District have attended The Bivouac. Here are statements from two:
“I was invited to be a part of the first BIVOUAC event at Hume Lake in March of 2021. Outside of Tim Jacobs, I didn’t know a single other pastor that was invited, yet out of our time together, God used these brothers to encourage, strengthen and build me up to ‘keep on keeping on’ as a pastor, leader and follower of Jesus. I would tell that group of men that I had never needed a retreat more than at that season of my life. And regarding the challenges that I was going through at my church, it proved to be a turning point that provided me the confidence that I needed to not give up." Todd A.
"I didn't know my soul needed a refuge from the battlefield of ministry and the questing for kingdom-building, until I got to shoot a rifle, share life stories, get counsel over dinners, hike around a frozen lake, and talk about Scripture around a fire pit with fellow pastors I just met on a mountain. Between the laughs, the battle cries, and the crying, the brotherhood offered me a covering of restoration I needed to continue on the quest for Christ. It's been a year, but the goodness of Bivouac and the friendships formed remain to this day in my journey." Brian C.
How can I find out more or sign up?
If you have questions or would like to talk to someone about THE NEXT Bivouac, email or call John Schaefer 714-920-4963. If you want to have your name placed on the waiting list for the next Bivouac, click here.